The Lou Grant Parent-Child Workshop is a cooperative parent education and early childhood program offered by Santa Barbara City College in partnership with the non-profit organization known as the Lou Grant Parent-Child Workshop.  The children's morning program serves as the lab for the evening non-credit parent education course, is licensed as a cooperative by the state of California, and is governed by a parent-led board of directors.  Santa Barbara City College provides two instructors for the evening course and morning labs. The instructors are adjunct faculty members of the college and serve as the director and assistant director of the morning program.  They work with the non-profit board of directors, shaping the policies and procedures of the cooperative.  With the instructor/directors’ guidance, parents and other adult students work with the children in the morning program, facilitating their learning through play and applying principles studied in the evening class. 


The evening class is divided into two semesters: ECE NC 10 and ECE NC 11. In the fall term students learn about typical social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of children aged two to five, healthy patterns of separation, importance of play, and strategies that support a strong foundation for future learning. Students will help create a healthy, safe, inclusive environment for children and observe and interact with children in the cooperative preschool lab.

In the spring term, students develop a foundation for positive, reflective parenting. They will investigate the influence of temperament and family patterns and learn effective communication skills and strategies for conflict resolution as they create a framework of child guidance principles and practices that contribute to the optimum development of children. They will discover community resources, learn about kindergarten readiness, and develop strategies to support children’s ongoing education at home and at school. Additional topics will address parenting challenges such as: the influence of media and technology and helping children cope with family illness, and divorce.

Once admitted, parent/guardians will enroll each semester through SBCC’s School of Extended Learning: www.sbcc.edu/extendedlearning. Adults who wish to attend the evening class but not participate in the morning program, are welcome to enroll.   


At LGPCW, children learn to play and play to learn. Accordingly, parent/guardians and staff establish a rich and varied play environment to meet the diverse needs and interests of the children who walk through the gate. We want an atmosphere where children may be curious, may experiment, and may construct for themselves an understanding of their environment and their relationships. We believe that structured and formal learning, forced too early, does not prepare children for our rapidly changing world, nor does it provide a solid conceptual foundation for future academic experiences. Thus, we give children plenty of time, space, open-ended materials, and support for their creative ideas. We value mistakes as opportunities to learn. We encourage clear and compassionate communication and nurture children's respect for themselves along with concern for the well being of others.

Up to 49 children and 13 adults may participate each day, under the watchful eyes of the two early childhood instructors. For most of the morning, children are free to choose where and with whom to play. Parents/Guardians "anchor" the stations, facilitate the learning, and provide guidance and supervision to the children. Midway through the morning, we gather into small groups for a nutritious snack, stories, and conversation. This snack time is a gentle introduction to group dynamics and an important language arts experience.  At the end of the morning, children and adults join the instructors for circle time where we sing songs, share stories, and end the morning together.  


An afternoon program is also offered. It runs from 11:55 - 3:30, Monday through Thursday and is available to children enrolled in the morning program, as space is available. At Extended Day (often referred to as “Splendid Day”) the children are under the supervision of two loving, licensed teachers.